Your Local Dispensary Addresses… Does THC% Really Matter?
We’re hearing a lot of talk about high-percentage THC cannabis products- from cannabis flower to THC edibles, so let’s address it! Our beloved dispensary customers come in asking for it, so were here to get down to the nitty gritty and get the consumer a bit more educated when it comes to how THC percentage measures up to the quality or effect that they’re looking for.
A higher THC % doesn’t necessarily mean a stronger or better high. There are other factors to consider in your products, like: terpenes, your individual body chemistry and the CBD content of a product (read up on our blog about the Entourage Effect). Depending on who you are, getting a well-balanced strain may provide a more enjoyable and lasting effect than another high-THC % option and won’t overwhelm your system.
Moreover, it’s important to lean on and ask your knowledgeable product guides for quality product. The strain, how and where it’s grown and processed is important. THC % matters, but it’s not the only thing that defines your cannabis experience. Exploring our curated options with our product guides will almost always lead you in the right direction.